Gill Walker – CRM Success Catalyst, Speaker, Educator, D365 Project Manager, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Functional Consultant, Solution Architect, Advisor, Trainer, MCT, MVP, DTM


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Could Your Dynamics 365 Deliver More to Your Business?

Arrange a Healthcheck - get your Microsoft Dynamics 365  firing on all cylinders

You have Microsoft Dynamics 365.  But the results are not what you expected, perhaps not as good as your implementation partner or consultant led you to believe?  Users complain that it is slow, or that they have to enter the same data many times, or that they cannot find the information that they need to help your customers.

If this sounds like you, you’ll love our Dynamics 365 Healthcheck ! It’s the perfect tonic when your Microsoft Dynamics 365 isn’t delivering fully for you, your team or your business.

crm healthcheckIn life, we all start out with different bodies.  Yes, we all have a heart, blood, lungs and limbs, but they are all subtly different. And we all have different lifestyles and different goals, plus our own unique circumstances which change over time.  If you're really serious about your well-being, a personalised health check is essential to spot any problems and work out what solutions are best for you.

It's just the same for your business-critical processes and systems.

Dynamics 365 implementations all start out unique.  Then they change over time, as your business changes. So it’s hardly surprising that many don’t perform nearly as well as they could.

Opsis's Microsoft Dynamics 365 Healthcheck is designed to fix that!

In the Opsis Dynamics 365Healthcheck, we look at your business goals, your client interactions, your processes, and the information you use to track performance.  Then we look at how your Dynamics 365 is working and give you specific recommendations for getting more value out of your investment.



"Gill's knowledge of the Microsoft CRM product was excellent and her recommendations allowed us to come up with practical ways of adapting the product to meet our unique requirements. We are now able to complete client proposals in an average of 30-40 minutes, a process that used to take anywhere up to 2 hours previously."

Wal Williams
Sales Manager, Ico

Gill Walker's showreel QR code

Opsis is an expert Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Power Platform and CRM strategy consulting company. Our focus is your CRM success, with Microsoft Dynamics 365 / Microsoft Power Platform or any CRM technology - not licence sales or billable hours. As Principal CRM Success Catalyst, Gill oversees all business operations, strategic planning and execution, yet she still believes in offering personal attention to each and every client, so as to understand their needs and offer tailored solutions.  We are based in Sydney, with clients in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane and across Australia.  Gill is the creator of SuccessRM - your blueprint for CRM success.  We offer:

  • Strategy for your successful CRM
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform
    • scoping
    • implementation
    • technical support
    • training
    • consulting, advice and guidance
    • assistance with your centre of excellence
  • Mentoring for CIOs and other decision makers tasked with implementing CRM.