Gill Walker – CRM Success Catalyst, Speaker, Educator, D365 Project Manager, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Functional Consultant, Solution Architect, Advisor, Trainer, MCT, MVP, DTM


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Gill Walker Speaks - In-person and Online / Virtually

Many years of practice have made Gill an expert speaker.  Gill’s speaking inspires and excites sales people and other audience members to use their CRM to improve their revenue, managers discover easier ways to strategise for CRM success, and technical staff relish the opportunity to contribute to the business by really making the Microsoft Dynamics 365 on which they are working really sing.

Her ability to teach her students simple rules for creating a well-structured speech with appropriate visual aids has made her a sought-after speaker coach. Gill Walker has spoken at many conferences including Microsoft Ignite, Australian Institute of Management (AIM) Illawarra group and CPA Week.  Gill has worked with groups such as Parramatta's Chamber of Commerce, City Business Swap, Normanhurst Venture Scouts, Toastmasters, and the Women's BizApps group to help their members learn how to structure and deliver a presentation to their audiences and apply this understanding of presentations to their knowledge and expertise. The last thing you want to do is leave your audience thinking that they will never be able to accomplish "all that" after a presentation that is both overstuffed and disorganized in some way.

Gill's purpose when she speaks is for the audience to feel confident in their own ability to apply her material to their life and work.

Gill Walker Speaks: on how to ensure that your CRM project is successful

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Gill’s aim for any audience is for everyone to leave with a better understanding of how to ensure that their CRM is a key factor in their success.

Through hugely informative, entertaining keynotes and workshops, in person or online, Gill Walker shows how to ensure that your CRM enables you to gain and retain the clients you serve best, to the benefit of your entire organisation. 

Gill realised many years ago that any organisation could achieve far more with their CRM – if they made a few simple changes to their approach. Education should take a far bigger role. Gill brings this passion to life with her keynotes, presentations, training and consulting.

Her audiences gain extraordinary value as she shows how to get the most out of a CRM investment. Gill combines success stories and war stories with her in-depth knowledge, from more than two decades of helping her clients supercharge their CRM projects. With Gill’s guidance, organisations can monetise and measure the value of their CRM, making it a highly profitable part of your business.

Although Gill is a Microsoft Certified Trainer, her speaking will help anyone interested in CRM Success – she is not software specific.

Gill Walker Speaks: About subjects other than CRM.

Gill Walker speaking at Microsoft's Ignite - Unconference

To assist others in improving their presentation abilities as well, Gill Walker not only provides her experience in CRM implementation (specifically with Microsoft Dynamics 365) but also shares her presenting skills as a way to aid others.

We've all heard of 'Death by PowerPoint,' and some of us have even experienced it ourselves. No one can hold PowerPoint responsible for anyone's death because PowerPoint is just a tool. Gill is an avid user of visual aids to further her message and students' understanding. With her problem-solving and speaking talents, Gill can create this effective use of PowerPoint. She's willing to share this information with you.

Gill is a member of the Professional Speakers Association of Australia and was the NSW Chapter president in 2021. As a result of her extensive experience as a speaker and trainer, she can impart her knowledge and skills to her audience, enabling them to create and deliver presentations they can be proud of. 


Gill has spoken for a range of events and organisations - in person and online (virtually)

Microsoft Ignite The Tour where Gill Walker delivered 'Hit Target with (transformed) TechTalks'

Gill delivered 'Hit Target with (transformed) TechTalks' at Microsoft Ignite 2020 at the International Convention Centre, Darling Harbour in Sydney.

PowerPlatformSaturday in Sydney where Gill Walker spoke on "Security is the Chief Enemy of Mortals

Gill spoke on "Security is the Chief Enemy of Mortals" at Power Platform Saturday in Sydney.

Gill Walker helped members of NRG1 understand the benefits of a CRM solution to a small business

Gill spoke at Parramatta's Chamber of Commerce NRG1 networking group.  She demonstrated how all businesses, especially small businesses, benefit from a CRM solution - which may or may not require technology and significant investment.

Gill Walker was a guest speaker at CPA Week where she spoke on 'Choosing the Best CRM for you'Gill was a guest speaker at CPA week.  She presented "Choosing the best CRM for you" to help CPA members understand how to help their clients choose the best CRM.

Gill Walker spoke on 'Leading a CRM change' at Australian Institute of Management (AIM) in 2016

Gill Walker was very well received when she spoke on "Leading a CRM Change" at the Illawarra Chapter of the Australian Institute of Management (AIM).

  Gill Walker spoke on 'Essential Steps to successful User Acceptance Testing' at the Software Testing Symposium (STS18) in Sydney

Gill shared the platform to speak on 'Essential Steps to Successful User Acceptance Testing'.

Gill Walker spoke on 'Taming the Beast of CRM data' at CRM Saturday in Sydney in 2017

Gill spoke on 'Taming the Beast of CRM Data' at CRM Saturday in Sydney.

Gill Walker is a strong supporter and frequent speaker for the Women's BizApps NSW meetup group - both in person and virtually

Gill is a frequent presenter and speaker at Women's BizApps NSW group to support members in their learning of Microsoft Dynamics 365 and their technical presentation skills.

Gill Walker spoke at Innovest SME in 2017 on 'Why all businesses need a CRM solution

Gill Walker was the guest presenter at InnovestSME's "Start Up Business Ownership Certificate".  Here, she presented 'Why (small (ALL) Business need a CRM solution' - a very important topic for aspiring and new business owners.

 Gill Walker delivered 'Taking your marketing to new heights with ClickDimensions' as a webinar for ClickDimensions

Gill delivered a webinar on behalf of ClickDimensions entitled 'Take your Marketing to New Heights with Dynamics 365 & ClickDimensions'.  This introduced the audience to the Marketing Automation with ClickDimensions

Gill Walker ran a webinar for Madinah Institute in 2017 

Gill shared her 'Taming the Beast of CRM Data' presentation as a webinar to the audience of Madinah Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship (MILE). 

 Gill Walker ran a study group to help members of the Women's BizApps group succeed with their MB-200 exam

Gill ran a virtual study group for Women's BizApps NSW meetup group.  This helped several  members pass MB-200 - PowerPlatform Core + Dynamics Core exam.

 Gill Walker was part of the corporate launch event for Dynamics 365 Group in Sydney and Melbourne in 2017


Gill Walker spoke frequently for City Business Swap between 2008 and 2012

Gill has spoken frequently at City Business Swap 



Gill Walker speaking on 'Exposing the Mystery of CRM Success'Gill Walker's key topics

Gill's audiences gain extraordinary value as she shows them how to get the most out of their CRM investment. Although Gill is a Microsoft Certified Trainer, her work is not software specific. She takes her in-depth knowledge to a wider set of principles and processes so you can monetise and measure the value of your CRM, making it a highly profitable part of your business.

Screen Shot 2021 07 02 at 2.47.29 PMFive Ways to Increase your Business Profit – with CRM

  • What is business profit?
  • How can you increase your business profit – regardless of your industry?
  • How will your successful CRM help you achieve this?

Unpacking the Mystery of CRM Success

  • Screen Shot 2021 07 02 at 2.38.29 PMWhy is CRM success so elusive?
  • CRM is Simple, but not Easy
  • Why Assumptions make an Ass of You and Me

Taming the Beast of CRM Data

  • Data is useless – information and knowledge are powerful
  • How do we convert our data into valuable information?
  • The options within Microsoft Dynamics 365 (or CRM) to enable you to make the right decisions based on your data



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If you are organising an event or conference, and you are looking for a lively speaker on the value of CRM for sales, customer service, marketing or reporting - or perhaps on a more technical aspect of CRM - Gill Walker would be your ideal choice. 


Gill Walker's showreel QR code

Opsis is an expert Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Power Platform and CRM strategy consulting company. Our focus is your CRM success, with Microsoft Dynamics 365 / Microsoft Power Platform or any CRM technology - not licence sales or billable hours. As Principal CRM Success Catalyst, Gill oversees all business operations, strategic planning and execution, yet she still believes in offering personal attention to each and every client, so as to understand their needs and offer tailored solutions.  We are based in Sydney, with clients in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane and across Australia.  Gill is the creator of SuccessRM - your blueprint for CRM success.  We offer:

  • Strategy for your successful CRM
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform
    • scoping
    • implementation
    • technical support
    • training
    • consulting, advice and guidance
    • assistance with your centre of excellence
  • Mentoring for CIOs and other decision makers tasked with implementing CRM.