Gill Walker – CRM Success Catalyst, Speaker, Educator, D365 Project Manager, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Functional Consultant, Solution Architect, Advisor, Trainer, MCT, MVP, DTM


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A lesson in CRM Success - from the Three Little Pigs!

The first little pig learnt the hard way about not thinking of the future and ensuring that solutions are resilient. This pig built his house from straw, and when the wolf arrived, it did not take long for the little pig to become dinner!

The second little pig learnt from this and built a stronger house – from sticks. But, with some effort the wolf overcame this, and the second pig too was dinner.

The third little pig saw what had happened to his brothers. He really did not want to become dinner. He spent time thinking about what had happened to his brothers and what he needed to do to avoid the same fate.  Only then did he set about collecting building materials. Eventually, he built a brick house. The wolf tried to make him into dinner as well – he huffed, and he puffed – but he could not blow the house down! The third little pig beat the wolf and lived on to tell the tale.

Why am I telling you this well-known children’s story?

When we build a CRM solution without considering the design from a range of different perspectives, we encounter challenges, often expensive challenges, later. It is rarely good to take the first solution that comes to mind.

Take a lesson from the third little pig. Learn about your options, the advantages and especially the disadvantages of each. Consider each possible solution from the perspective of different users – technical users and business users – both current and future.

When working with Microsoft Dynamics 365, I can find several possible technical solutions for any business requirement. Admittedly, some of these are close to ridiculous and many of them have issues. However, thinking about them and the potential issues means that the solution that I ultimately select is resilient.

What other fairy stories, or children’s stories provide lessons like this?


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Opsis is an expert Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Power Platform and CRM strategy consulting company. Our focus is your CRM success, with Microsoft Dynamics 365 / Microsoft Power Platform or any CRM technology - not licence sales or billable hours. As Principal CRM Success Catalyst, Gill oversees all business operations, strategic planning and execution, yet she still believes in offering personal attention to each and every client, so as to understand their needs and offer tailored solutions.  We are based in Sydney, with clients in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane and across Australia.  Gill is the creator of SuccessRM - your blueprint for CRM success.  We offer:

  • Strategy for your successful CRM
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform
    • scoping
    • implementation
    • technical support
    • training
    • consulting, advice and guidance
    • assistance with your centre of excellence
  • Mentoring for CIOs and other decision makers tasked with implementing CRM.